miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019



>> Now a days the nuclear energy has a lot of dangers, that  now doesn't have a quick solutions.

>> These dangers can be a big problem if break free in the atmosphere and can produce the death.

>> Nuclear power stations have a lot of security to avoid these accidents, but sometimes aren't enought( like Chernobyl), because they try to save money and put a minimmum of security.

>> But the most important dangers are: The RADIATION and THE RISK OF A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION. 

>> The radiation it's a property that some elements that you can found in the nature and can or can't be radioactive and the man has always been exposed.



On April 26, 1986, the most serious nuclear accident in history took place in Chernobyl. An explosion occurred in reactor 4 during a routine safety test that caused about 30 deaths.

There were human errors that caused 200 tons of radioactive material at an altitude of up to 1,500 meters to expand. The most affected city was Pripyat, where the workers lived. The Soviet authorities didn't inform to the 50,000 habitants of the city at the time of the disaster and they didn't provide assistance against radiation.

The generated radioactive cloud spread over Europe due to the wind, polluting Belarus, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Ukraine to a greater extent. It is difficult to determine the exact figures of all people affected by the diseases resulting from the accident. Most of the radioactive material is today buried under the ground.

The contaminated area was isolated within a 30-kilometer radius and work continues to eliminate the remains. Entry into the area is prohibited, except for former residents. There are about 100 people who live there at their own risk.

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